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D&D Dice

Seek no more, Traveler – you have discovered the finest in wares right here at Adventurer’s Loot.

Our rogues have, uhh… sourced… the best D&D Dice for your RPG needs. Ask us no further questions on their origin; instead, marvel at the range of colours and styles to fulfil your every adventuring whim. Level up your character by matching their epic aesthetic.

Lightweight, affordable, and ready to tumble into action for your next campaign. Browse our multitude of acrylic Dungeons & Dragons Dice sets and buy with confidence from our Perth, Australia warehouse today.

FAQs for D&D Dice

Some things will feel right, and there’s rarely any wrong answer so long as the DND dice set is balanced.

Acrylic dice are typically a lot smoother in hand, easy to read with high contrast numbers, and more affordable than metal dice.

They are also a lot lighter and less sharp than other materials, meaning they are less likely to dent or scratch your table upon rolling.

Some players like to get fancy with unusual materials. It’s worth keeping in mind that some of these more exotic confections are more delicate. Our rogues currently do not source wood, glass or bone Dungeons & Dragons dice.

Yes. Most regular Dungeons & Dragons dice are less durable than metal (which is basically indestructible) but they will certainly see you through many quests regardless.

To prolong the life of your DnD dice, store them properly and separate to any metal dice in a case or pouch. We recommend our Dragon’s Hoard PU Leather Case as a compact, secure option for up to seven sets of D&D or other RPG dice.

Your hoard is the sum of your choices… the best materials for your dice set depends entirely on your preference.

If you haven’t played D&D before, acrylic dice can be a great and cost-effective place to start. Acrylic die will get you playing quickly, relatively cheaply, and offer a endless range of aesthetic options for RPG players.

Go wild with different colour options and mix and match during game play, or stick to the same set for a more uniform feel. Dungeons & Dragons dice can also make a great gift for fellow party members or your DM.

Adventurer’s Loot DnD dice are suited for other table top RPG games as well, like Pathfinder. Our stock can handle whatever your group sets up.

Add to your dice collection with Adventurer’s Loot

Vibrant, varied, quality D&D dice – perfect for attack rolls, constitution saves, or rolling a lucky Nat 20 to really get things going.

Wouldn’t it be so much more exciting if the hand of fate was dealt by dice perfectly matched to your character, or the world in which they exist? Make the next round epic before you’ve even rolled by bringing out new legendary DND dice to flex on everyone at the table.

Your next dice set is waiting for you, proudly supplied by the loveable (and definitely reputable, stop asking so many questions) rogues at Adventurer’s Loot.

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